Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So let's see if we can give this initial screen a go. And let's not focus on the artsy bits. But just the sheer html 4x4 layout. Recall our baby.
4x4 (approximately)
html is easy to write. So is javascript. The harder part is getting it to work. Especially on a wide variety of devices and platforms. Let's start by getting things up and running on one browser on one platform. And then hope for the best. And check it. And rinse and repeat.
The nicest html document that one can write, is, according to the syntax validator So let's try to get 4x4 divs into this html.
Hmm, I stopped writing this blog entry a few days ago and instead starting coding the thing. Sorry. Try a version at Kill lard by clicking. Inspect it by double clicking.
It should work somewhat on mobile phones and tablets. It uses webgl, when available.
A lot of extensions could be done. Add additional formulas. Make it work better on touch devices. Focus on creating beautiful formulas. And a lot more.

Generation 0

A few clicks later

A couple of more clicks
I've included a couple of screenshots as proof of concept. I had fun.